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Planning, Siting, and Permitting

White line drawing of transmission lines and towers over a mountainous landscape

Tetra Tech provides industry-leading, science-based planning, siting, and permitting services to clients developing or evaluating energy projects. 

Energy investors and developers need a partner who can evaluate potential sites quickly and cost-effectively; navigate the regulatory environment efficiently; and complete environmental and permitting support services on time, within budget, and in compliance with applicable regulations and statutes. Using our Leading with Science® approach, we integrate our environmental permitting and engineering services with data-driven solutions for energy projects around the world. Our experienced team of scientists, planners, engineers, and project managers understand both the national and local environment, regulations, and resources.

Solar site layout in blue with topographic elements in cream and green created by Tetra Tech renewable energy engineers

Planning and Siting

Tetra Tech provides expert support to help our clients evaluate potential sites during the initial stages of a project. When integrated with our conceptual site design and engineering services, our interdisciplinary teams help identify any significant issues or challenges that might affect projects in the development and permitting stage of the project.

Tetra Tech employee surveys a pristine stream running through a mountainous area for renewable energy permitting

Permitting and Licensing

Tetra Tech provides support services for permitting and licensing on small, distributed, and utility-scale energy projects requiring all levels of licenses or permits. We combine these permitting and licensing support services with our engineering solutions to help clients navigate complex permitting and regulatory requirements and develop effective, site-specific engineering solutions to support successful construction and operations.

  • Biological resource (wetland, wildlife, and avian) and geotechnical studies
  • Cultural resource and architectural history surveys
  • Hydrology, drainage, and floodplain studies
  • Noise and visual impact assessments
  • Air quality, water use, stormwater, and industrial wastewater analysis and assessments
  • Local, state, federal, territorial, and provincial permitting
  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Public outreach and expert witness testimony

Connect with us. Reach out to our sustainable energy solutions experts.

Featured planning, siting, and permitting highlights

A lineworker tests for faults on medium-voltage power lines in Abuja, Nigeria

Powering Potential in Sub-Saharan Africa

Headshot of Alicia Oller

Alicia Oller Discusses the Evolving Trends and Emerging Technologies in Onshore Wind Energy

Jack-up vessel installing the wind turbine generators at the CVOW Pilot Project in 2020

Supporting the First Installation of Offshore Wind Turbines in U.S. Federal Waters

Proposed Marinus Link shore crossing site at Waratah Bay, Victoria

Unlocking Renewable Energy Generation Opportunities between Victoria and Tasmania

View of Saddleback Ridge Wind from Saddleback Mountain to the north

Advancing Wind Energy in Maine

Headshot of Nick Welz

Nick Welz Discusses Submarine Cable Trends and Challenges in the Offshore Wind Industry